误:His written English is good, but not good at spoken English.
正:His written English is good, but his spoken English is not good.
正:He is good at written English, but not good at spoken English.
析:误句中 but 后的句子缺适当的主语,因为 good at spoken English 的主语应是“他”,而不是 his written English。
2. 英语很有趣,我的确很喜欢。
误:English is very interesting, and I really like very much.
正:English is very interesting, and I really like it very much.
析:like 是及物动词,其后通常应有宾语。
3. 别怕,我们会帮你的。
误:Don’t afraid; we’ll help you.
正:Don’t be afraid; we’ll help you.
析:误句谓语不完整,因为 afraid 是形容词,不是动词,不能单独作谓语,必须和连系动词一起构成谓语。当然,若说成 Don’t fear,则完全可以。
误:Li Ming, lives next to me, is a doctor.
正:Li Ming, who lives next to me, is a doctor.
正:Li Ming, living next to me, is a doctor.
误:Do you mind I ask you a question?
正:Do you mind if I ask you a question?
正:Do you mind my asking you a question?
6. 他考试及格了使他妈妈很高兴。
误:He passed the exam made his mother very happy.
正:That he passed the exam made his mother very happy.
正:He passed the exam, which made his mother very happy.
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