1. Talk [Speak] of the devil.
Talk of the devil. We were just talking about you. 说曹操曹操到,我们刚才正谈着你呢。
Well, speak of the devil, here‘s old Johnson. 嗬,说鬼鬼到,老约翰逊来了。
Speak of the devil, if it isn‘t Jimmy. I was just saying that we ought to get together with you sometime soon. 真是说到曹操,曹操就到啊,那不是吉米吗? 我刚才在讲我们应该找个时间聚一聚。
2. There will be the devil to pay.
If you do it again there will be the devil to pay. 你要是再做此事,那后果就不堪设想了。
There will be the devil to pay if the boss learns I took the day off today. 老板要是知道我今天没上班那可不得了。
A:I must go home now, or I shall be locked out. 我现在得回去了,不然就会被关在外面的。
B:There will be the devil to pay then. 那就糟了。
When I got home late after wrecking my father‘s new car, there was the very devil to pay. 当我毁了我父亲的新汽车而很晚才回家时,那可真是倒了一次大霉。
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